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Governing Board Selects Dr. Jeffrey P. Nasse as New PCC Chancellor

English as a Second Language (ESL)

皮马社区学院的英语作为第二语言(ESL)星际官方赌钱, also known as Intensive Academic English, 是为非母语人士想要提高一般, professional, 或具备英语交流的学术技能, reading and writing.


Pima's Intensive Academic English for Non-Native Speakers 星际官方赌钱分秋季、春季和夏季三个学期. 秋季和春季学期的星际官方赌钱为14周,夏季学期为8周.

Contact Information

有关参加强化学术英语(ESL)星际官方赌钱的信息,请联系: [email protected]

有关免费成人教育英语星际官方赌钱的详情,请联络 [email protected] or call 520-206-7330. 
Se habla español.

How to Apply

International Students

有关所有建议和学生服务需求,请访问 Center for International Education

Domestic (US) Students

Step 1: Explore the ESL program

  • Use our flow chart to learn about the program. In the chart, you can learn about:

    • Program courses
    • 如何从初级到高级
    • 写作(WRT)和阅读(REA)星际官方赌钱是您在完成强化学术英语学习后准备的星际官方赌钱
    flowchart thumbnail

    Open our flow chart

  • ESL星际官方赌钱的总费用将取决于你所处的级别. Core courses are 4 credits. Electives are 2 credits. This program is eligible for federal financial aid for students who qualify.

    In-state tuition(Fall, Spring, Summer):

    One class (4 credits): $405
    Two classes (8 credits): $795
    Three classes (12 credits*): $1,185


    终身学习者有资格获得州内学分星际官方赌钱学费50%的减免. See Lifelong Learner Discount.

    Out-of-state tuition(Fall, Spring):

    One class (4 credits): $1,291
    Two classes (8 credits): $2,567
    Three classes (12 credits*): $3,843

    Out-of-state tuition(Summer): One class (4 credits): $1,007


 Step 2: Apply to Pima Community College

  • Complete the PCC Application process and get your Pima ID number. 
  • 如果你有任何问题,请拨打520联系招生IT支持.206.4900.

 Step 3: Take ESL Accuplacer (free test)

  • 预约参加ESL Accuplacer分班考试. 这个电脑测试将帮助我们确定ESL星际官方赌钱的水平,最能满足你的英语阅读, writing and speaking needs.
  • To make an appointment, you will:
    • Go to the Testing Centers webpage.
    • 向下滚动到你想参加考试的校园(例如:“市中心校园调度”).
    • 在下一页,向下滚动到橙色框.
    • Choose a type of exam: Placement Testing.
    • Choose an exam: Accuplacer ESL.
    • 选择适合你亲自参加考试的日期和时间.


  1. Go to the Schedule of Classes.
  2. Select the current semester for the “Term”.
  3. Select “English as a Second Language” for the “Subject Code”.
  4. Click “Search” at the bottom of the page.


  • Sign up to talk to an advisor.
  • When you sign up:
    • Enter your name. 
    • Enter your cell phone number
    • 输入你的学生证号码和你的星际官方赌钱(ESL) 
    • Select the Express option.

Academic English (ESL) Courses


  • High Beginning
  • Intermediate
  • High Intermediate
  • Advanced


  • Writing and Grammar
  • Reading and Vocabulary
  • Oral Communication


ESL Core Courses:

  • ESL060 WG:写作和语法(4学分)
  • ESL060 RV:阅读和词汇(4学分)
  • ESL060 CM:口语交际(4学分)

ESL Core Courses:

  • ESL070 WG:写作和语法(4学分)
  • ESL070 RV:阅读和词汇(4学分)
  • ESL070 CM:口语交际(4学分)


  • ESL070 PR:中级发音(2学分)

ESL Core Courses:

  • ESL080 WG:写作和语法(4学分)
  • ESL080 RV:阅读和词汇(4学分)
  • ESL080 CM:口语交际(4学分)


  • ESL080 PR:高级发音(2学分)

ESL Core Courses:

  • ESL088 WG:写作和语法(4学分)
  • ESL088 RV:阅读和词汇(4学分)
  • ESL088 CM:口语交际(4学分) 


  • WRT090: English Composition Fundamentals
  • WRT101: English Composition
  • WRT101S/SE:英语写作综合研究
  • REA091: Reading Improvement II
  • REA112: Critical Reading
  • 学术星际官方赌钱、学位和职业证书星际官方赌钱

Hear From our ESL Students!

Herendida Ruiz Lagarda


  “享受和学习所有的小时刻在你的ESL星际官方赌钱,因为完成星际官方赌钱后, you will miss being part of this family. 记住,对自己有信心会给你新的机会." ~ Herendida Ruiz Lagarda, Mexico

Hoang Nguyen


“在皮马参加ESL星际官方赌钱给了我很棒的经历, 因为我不仅提高了我的四项英语技能,而且结交了来自世界各地的朋友. ESL星际官方赌钱帮助我从初级水平提升到高级水平,并帮助我增加了词汇量. 我要感谢所有ESL部门的教授和员工." ~ Hoang Nguyen, Vietnam  

Wassim Khawam


  “我还有一年就要拿到机械工程学位了, but when I first started at Pima, I did not understand a word of English. ESL星际官方赌钱无疑加速了我学习语言的过程,并为我的个人生活提供了帮助,因为它为我提供了一个环境和社区,让我喜欢那些刚刚开始在这个国家生活的人." ~ Wassim Khawam, Syria

Ariane Higuera Pierre Noel


“我在皮马社区学院学习了两年的ESL星际官方赌钱, 我不得不说,这是我一生中最美好的经历之一. 我学到了很多,不仅仅是英语,还有世界各地的其他文化. 我向任何想要深入学习英语的人推荐ESL星际官方赌钱." ~ Ariane Higuera Pierre Noel, Mexico  

Nazli Guvenc


  “皮马ESL星际官方赌钱的老师非常棒! They always put your learning first. 他们尽其所能地帮助你. 在我完成ESL星际官方赌钱后,我想开始我的供应链管理学位. 祝你在匹马ESL项目中一切顺利." ~ Nazli Guvenc, Turkey

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